Tiger Trade


  • Advertisement
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • Strategy

Tiger Trade

Tiger Trade has ambitions to become the go-to stock-trading app in New Zealand, offering investment into a diverse range of overseas shares on the US, Australia and Asia markets as well as the 65 New Zealand companies listed on ASX. We developed a lively brand campaign that roared into life on August 29, introducing New Zealanders to seven ‘Investor Cat’ characters representing personalities within the Kiwi investor community.

Tiger Trade

The Business

Tiger Trade have ambitions to become the go-to stock-trading app in New Zealand offering investment into a diverse range of overseas shares. Access to Asian markets is a key point of difference, with Tiger Trade providing investment into Hong Kong, Singapore and China A listed shares as well as Australia and the US markets. The app also offers in-depth market information at the users’ fingertips.

The Challenge

While Tiger Trade has celebrated its eighth year with nine million users globally, it was entering the Kiwi market where there were already entrenched players like Sharesies and Hatch in the stock market app category. Tiger Trade also had a name and style that was distinctly foreign, and in market testing, this made audiences nervous when it came to handing over bank details and depositing money.

The Approach:
Developing the ”
Investor Cats”

We needed to find a relatable way for the brand to demonstrate it provided a robust enough app to be there for investors of all types, which then got us thinking about what types of investors there really are and how people clearly fit different mindsets.

The investor cats highlight behaviours we know people demonstrate around investment and the ways they think and actions they take.

We held three focus group sessions to ensure our assumptions on these different investor types were correct. It was a satisfying process, as across the three sessions we saw the cat characters in full force.

Sometimes participants were aware of where they fitted, other times it was just us, behind the mirrored glass, who could so clearly see it. After the investor types were narrowed down, there needed to be a way to describe them and we landed on cat analogies as a great way to bring it to life.

We ended up with seven investing personalities:
Curious cat– new to investing and curious to find out more
Copy cats–influenced by their peers
Cool cats–
Alley cats-
Top cat
Hell cat
Cheshire cat

Creating a distinctly local feel

We needed to create a distinctly local feel to combat the suspicions attached to a foreign brand.

There was something familiar and colloquial about phrases like ‘’copy cats’and ”curious cats’’ and’so this shaped the direction of the characters and the lyrical flow of the voiceover used in TVCs.

The cat analogies also felt so apt with the tiger being the biggest cat of them all. NZ actually has the highest per capita rate of cat ownership in the world, so we’re clearly a nation that loves their cats!

Not your usual app ad

Unlike the typical technology product campaigns, the creative is not focused on a barrage of tech features but instead focusss on local characters.

Investor Cats celebrates the many stages Kiwis are at in their investing journey with an app that’s robust enough to support a wide range of wants and needs.

The Approach

As well as appearing on TV, radio, digital and social platforms, the campaign will be highly visible with a heavy out-of-home presence on billboards, bus shelters and 54 buses across Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch

Creating a distinctly local feel

We created a local feel with Kiwi phrasing (e.g. ‘’we think you’re pretty mint’’) and inside jokes reserved for locals (such as referring to the terror of the Auckland Domain geese!).

Challenging age perceptions

We challenged age perceptions through messages like ‘’not your parents after dinner mint’’ and through the fun, colourful design layout, showcased the range of flavours–more akin to what you’d expect from your average lolly.